Section 2.4: Sequence Types

Python provides several sequence types that allow you to store and manipulate collections of items. The most common sequence types are lists, tuples, and ranges. Each of these has specific characteristics that make them suitable for different use cases. This guide will cover these sequence types in detail, providing comprehensive examples and explanations.

Overview of Python Sequence Types: Lists, Tuples, and Ranges

Sequence Type Description Key Points
Lists A mutable, ordered collection of elements.
Lists can contain elements of different types.
- Guide to methods
- List comprehensions
- Modifiable
Tuples An immutable, ordered collection of elements.
Once created, elements cannot be modified.
- Memory-efficient
- Faster access
- Fixed data collections
Ranges Represents an immutable sequence of numbers,
typically used in loops. Memory-efficient.
- Ideal for loops
- Efficient for large sequences
- Convertible to lists/tuples

Lists: Comprehensive Guide to Methods and List Comprehensions

What is a List?

A list in Python is a mutable, ordered collection of elements. Lists can store elements of different data types, including integers, strings, and even other lists. The list's mutability means that you can change, add, or remove elements after the list has been created.

Creating a List

# Creating an empty list
empty_list = []

# Creating a list with initial elements
numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]


  • empty_list = []: This line creates an empty list with no elements.
  • numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]: This line creates a list called numbers containing the integers 1 through 5.

Accessing List Elements

# Accessing elements by index
first_element = numbers[0]
last_element = numbers[-1]

# Slicing a list
first_three = numbers[:3]


  • numbers[0]: Accesses the first element in the list (1).
  • numbers[-1]: Accesses the last element in the list (5).
  • numbers[:3]: Slices the list to get the first three elements ([1, 2, 3]).

Modifying Lists

# Modifying an element
numbers[0] = 10

# Adding elements
numbers.insert(0, 0)

# Removing elements
removed_element = numbers.pop(2)


  • numbers[0] = 10: Modifies the first element of the list to 10.
  • numbers.append(6): Adds 6 to the end of the list.
  • numbers.insert(0, 0): Inserts 0 at the beginning of the list.
  • numbers.remove(3): Removes the first occurrence of 3 in the list.
  • numbers.pop(2): Removes and returns the element at index 2.

List Methods


The append() method adds an element to the end of the list.

fruits = ['apple', 'banana']


  • fruits.append('cherry'): Adds 'cherry' to the end of the fruits list, resulting in ['apple', 'banana', 'cherry'].


The extend() method adds all elements of an iterable (e.g., another list) to the end of the list.

fruits.extend(['date', 'elderberry'])


  • fruits.extend(['date', 'elderberry']): Adds each element of the list ['date', 'elderberry'] to the end of fruits, resulting in ['apple', 'banana', 'cherry', 'date', 'elderberry'].


The insert() method inserts an element at a specified position.

fruits.insert(1, 'blueberry')


  • fruits.insert(1, 'blueberry'): Inserts 'blueberry' at index 1, shifting the rest of the list to the right. The list now becomes ['apple', 'blueberry', 'banana', 'cherry', 'date', 'elderberry'].


The remove() method removes the first occurrence of a specified element.



  • fruits.remove('banana'): Removes the first occurrence of 'banana' from the list.


The pop() method removes and returns an element at a given index.

last_fruit = fruits.pop()
second_fruit = fruits.pop(1)


  • fruits.pop(): Removes and returns the last element of the list.
  • fruits.pop(1): Removes and returns the element at index 1.


The index() method returns the index of the first occurrence of a specified element.

index_of_cherry = fruits.index('cherry')


  • fruits.index('cherry'): Returns the index of 'cherry' in the list.


The count() method returns the number of occurrences of a specified element in the list.

count_of_apple = fruits.count('apple')


  • fruits.count('apple'): Returns the number of times 'apple' appears in the list.


The sort() method sorts the elements of the list in place.



  • fruits.sort(): Sorts the elements of fruits in alphabetical order.


The reverse() method reverses the elements of the list in place.



  • fruits.reverse(): Reverses the order of elements in fruits.


The copy() method returns a shallow copy of the list.

fruits_copy = fruits.copy()


  • fruits.copy(): Creates a new list that is a copy of fruits.


The clear() method removes all elements from the list.



  • fruits.clear(): Removes all elements from fruits, resulting in an empty list.

List Comprehensions

List comprehensions provide a concise way to create lists. They consist of brackets containing an expression followed by a for clause, and they can also include if clauses to filter elements.

# Basic list comprehension
squares = [x**2 for x in range(10)]

# List comprehension with condition
even_squares = [x**2 for x in range(10) if x % 2 == 0]


  • squares = [x**2 for x in range(10)]: Creates a list of the squares of numbers from 0 to 9.
  • even_squares = [x**2 for x in range(10) if x % 2 == 0]: Creates a list of squares of even numbers from 0 to 9.

Nested List Comprehensions

Nested list comprehensions allow you to create lists within lists.

# Nested list comprehension
matrix = [[j for j in range(3)] for i in range(3)]


  • matrix = [[j for j in range(3)] for i in range(3)]: Creates a 3x3 matrix (a list of lists) where each sublist contains [0, 1, 2].

Performance Considerations with Lists

While lists are flexible and easy to use, they can be less efficient in terms of memory and performance when compared to tuples, especially when the list is large or when elements are frequently added or removed. However, lists are more versatile due to their mutability.

Tuples: Performance Benefits Over Lists

What is a Tuple?

A tuple is similar to a list in that it is an ordered collection of elements. However, unlike lists, tuples are immutable, meaning that once a tuple is created, its elements cannot be changed. This immutability offers performance benefits, particularly in memory usage and speed, since tuples can be stored more efficiently than lists.

Creating a Tuple

# Creating an empty tuple
empty_tuple = ()

# Creating a tuple with elements
point = (2, 3)


  • empty_tuple = (): Creates an empty tuple.
  • point = (2, 3): Creates a tuple point with two elements 2 and 3.

Accessing Tuple Elements

# Accessing elements by index
x = point[0]
y = point[1]

# Unpacking a tuple
x, y = point


  • point[0]: Accesses the first element of the tuple (2).
  • point[1]: Accesses the second element of the tuple (3).
  • x, y = point: Unpacks the tuple into variables x and y.

Tuple Operations


Tuples can be concatenated using the + operator.

point3d = point + (4,)


  • point + (4,): Concatenates the tuple point with another tuple (4,), resulting in (2, 3, 4).


Tuples can be repeated using the * operator.

double_point = point * 2


  • point * 2: Creates a new tuple by repeating the elements of point twice, resulting in (2, 3, 2, 3).

Tuple Methods

Since tuples are immutable, they have fewer methods than lists. The most commonly used methods are:

  • count(): Returns the number of times a specified element appears in the tuple.
  • index(): Returns the index of the first occurrence of a specified element.
coordinates = (1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 2, 1)

# Counting occurrences of an element
count_of_twos = coordinates.count(2)

# Finding the index of an element
index_of_three = coordinates.index(3)


  • coordinates.count(2): Returns the number of times 2 appears in coordinates.
  • coordinates.index(3): Returns the index of the first occurrence of 3.

Tuple Immutability and Performance

Due to their immutability, tuples can be more memory-efficient and faster than lists, particularly when dealing with large datasets. They are also hashable, making them suitable for use as keys in dictionaries and elements in sets.

Use Cases for Tuples

  • Data Integrity: Tuples are ideal for representing fixed collections of items that should not change, such as coordinates, RGB values, or database records.
  • Function Returns: Tuples are commonly used to return multiple values from a function.

Example: Function Returning Multiple Values

def get_point():
    return (2, 3)

# Unpacking the returned tuple
x, y = get_point()


  • get_point(): Returns a tuple (2, 3).
  • x, y = get_point(): Unpacks the tuple returned by get_point() into variables x and y.

Tuples vs. Lists

While tuples offer performance benefits due to their immutability, lists are more flexible due to their mutability. The choice between using a list or a tuple depends on the specific use case:

  • Use lists when you need a dynamic, modifiable collection of items.
  • Use tuples when you need a fixed, immutable collection.

Ranges: Uses in Loops and Memory Efficiency

What is a Range?

A range in Python represents an immutable sequence of numbers, commonly used in loops. It generates numbers on the fly and is more memory-efficient than lists or tuples when dealing with large sequences.

Creating a Range

# Basic range
range_obj = range(10)

# Specifying start and stop
range_with_start = range(2, 10)

# Specifying start, stop, and step
range_with_step = range(2, 10, 2)


  • range(10): Creates a range of numbers from 0 to 9.
  • range(2, 10): Creates a range of numbers from 2 to 9.
  • range(2, 10, 2): Creates a range of numbers from 2 to 9, with a step of 2 (2, 4, 6, 8).

Accessing Range Elements

While ranges are not directly indexable like lists, you can convert them to a list or tuple if needed.

range_list = list(range(5))
third_element = range_list[2]


  • list(range(5)): Converts the range into a list [0, 1, 2, 3, 4].
  • range_list[2]: Accesses the third element of the list (2).

Range in Loops

Ranges are particularly useful in loops, where you need to iterate over a sequence of numbers.

# Using range in a for loop
for i in range(5):


  • for i in range(5): Iterates over the numbers 0 to 4, printing each one.

Memory Efficiency of Ranges

Ranges are more memory-efficient than lists or tuples for large sequences because they generate numbers on the fly rather than storing them in memory.

# Comparing memory usage
large_list = list(range(1000000))
large_range = range(1000000)


  • list(range(1000000)): Creates a list of one million numbers, which consumes a significant amount of memory.
  • range(1000000): Creates a range object representing the same sequence, but without the memory overhead of storing each number.

Example: Generating a Sequence of Even Numbers

even_numbers = range(0, 20, 2)


  • range(0, 20, 2): Creates a range of even numbers from 0 to 18.

Use Cases for Ranges

  • Looping: Ranges are ideal for controlling the number of iterations in a loop.
  • Memory Efficiency: When working with large sequences of numbers, ranges are more efficient than lists.

Converting Ranges to Lists or Tuples

Although ranges are efficient, there are situations where you might need a list or tuple instead.

# Convert range to list
range_as_list = list(range(10))

# Convert range to tuple
range_as_tuple = tuple(range(10))


  • list(range(10)): Converts the range into a list.
  • tuple(range(10)): Converts the range into a tuple.

Comparing Ranges, Lists, and Tuples

  • Range: Best for memory-efficient number sequences, especially in loops.
  • List: Best for dynamic collections that need to be modified.
  • Tuple: Best for fixed collections of items where immutability and performance are important.