🧰 Section 1.7: The Python Coding Tools

Navigating the Tools

Python developers have access to a variety of tools designed to streamline coding, debugging, and testing. Here’s an overview of the most widely used Python coding tools:

  1. Integrated Development Environments (IDEs):
    • PyCharm: One of the most popular IDEs for Python, developed by JetBrains. It offers a rich environment with code analysis, graphical debugger, integrated unit tester, and support for web development.
    • Visual Studio Code (VSCode): A lightweight, open-source editor that supports Python through extensions. It is highly customizable and supports a wide range of programming languages.
    • Jupyter Notebook: An open-source web application that allows you to create and share documents that contain live code, equations, visualizations, and narrative text. Useful for data cleaning and transformation, numerical simulation, statistical modeling, data visualization, and machine learning.
  2. Text Editors:
    • Sublime Text: A versatile and fast text editor, popular among developers for its ease of use and powerful “Goto Anything” feature.
    • Atom: Developed by GitHub, it’s a highly customizable text editor with a massive repository of plugins and themes.
  3. Command Line Tools:
    • IPython: An enhanced interactive Python shell designed for efficient interactive Python sessions. It offers more features than the default Python shell.
    • Bash Shell: For Linux and macOS users, the Bash shell is essential for running Python scripts and managing Python environments.

Basic Operations in Tools


Running Python Code: You can run Python code directly in PyCharm by right-clicking your script and selecting Run.

# Example Python code
print("Hello from PyCharm!")

Setting Up a Project: When you create a new project in PyCharm, it sets up a virtual environment by default, keeping your project dependencies separate from other Python projects.

File -> New Project -> Choose interpreter and set project location

Visual Studio Code (VSCode)

Running a Script: Open your Python file, and use the play button in the top right corner to run it.

# Example Python code
print("Hello from VSCode!")

Installing Python Extension: First, install the Python extension from Microsoft available in the VSCode marketplace.

Extensions sidebar -> Search for Python -> Install

Jupyter Notebook

  • Starting a Notebook: Install Jupyter via pip (pip install jupyterlab) and launch it from your command line by typing jupyter notebook.

Creating and Running Cells: Create new cells to write and execute Python code, Markdown for documentation, or even HTML.

# In a Jupyter cell
print(sum(range(10)))  # This will output 45


  • Starting IPython: Open your terminal or command prompt and type ipython.

Using IPython Features: Use commands like %run script.py to run scripts or %timeit to time the execution of small code snippets.

In [1]: %timeit sum(range(100))

Sublime Text:

  • Install Package Control: This is essential for installing third-party packages for enhanced functionality.

Running Python Code: Install the SublimeREPL package to run Python code directly from Sublime Text.

# Example of running code in Sublime Text
print("Hello from Sublime Text!")

Each tool has its unique strengths and is suitable for different types of Python development tasks. Choosing the right tool often depends on personal preference and the specific requirements of the project.


  • Configuring Atom for Python:
    • Install Atom: Download and install Atom from the official website.
  • Running Python Code:

Execute Code: With atom-runner, you can execute Python code directly in Atom by pressing Alt-R (or Cmd-R on macOS).

# Example Python code in Atom
print("Hello from Atom!")

Add Python-related packages: Use Atom's package manager to install packages like ide-python and atom-runner to enhance Python support.

Open Settings -> Install -> Search for 'ide-python' and 'atom-runner' -> Install

Bash Shell (for Linux/macOS users)

  • Executing Python Scripts:
    • Open the terminal.

Use command line arguments to pass data to scripts.

python3 script.py arg1 arg2

Run a Python script by typing python3 script.py or make the script executable and run it directly.

chmod +x script.py

Command Line Tools:

  • Using IPython for Enhanced Interactive Features:
    • Start IPython by simply typing ipython in your terminal.

Use IPython for data analysis, visualization, and comprehensive testing with an enhanced interactive console.

In [1]: %matplotlib inline
In [2]: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
In [3]: plt.plot([1, 2, 3, 4])
In [4]: plt.show()

Navigating and Using Tools Effectively:

  • Learning Shortcuts and Features:
    • Each tool comes with a set of shortcuts and features that can greatly enhance your productivity. For instance, VSCode and PyCharm offer debugging tools, code completion, and multiple plugins for enhanced functionality.
    • Familiarize yourself with the documentation of these tools to fully leverage their capabilities.

Tips for Choosing the Right Tool:

  • Project Requirements: Consider the requirements of your project. For instance, if you're working on a large project with multiple developers, an IDE like PyCharm or VSCode might be more suitable due to their comprehensive project management and code analysis features.
  • Personal Preference: Personal comfort with the tool’s interface and workflow is crucial. Try different tools to find the one that best fits your coding style and preferences.
  • Community and Support: Tools with a large community and extensive documentation, like VSCode and Jupyter Notebook, offer the advantage of numerous resources for troubleshooting and learning.

By selecting the appropriate tool and mastering its features, you can streamline your development process and increase efficiency, allowing you to focus more on problem-solving and less on managing the coding environment.

Additional Tips and Tools for Python Development

Enhancing Efficiency with IDE Plugins and Extensions

  • VSCode and PyCharm Extensions:
    • In VSCode, the Python extension by Microsoft offers Linting, Debugging, Intellisense, code formatting, and more, which significantly enhances productivity. Additionally, the Python Docstring Generator extension helps in quickly adding docstrings to your functions and classes.

PyCharm offers a plethora of plugins such as GitToolBox for improved Git integration and CodeGlance which embeds a code minimap similar to the one found in Sublime.

For installing any extension or plugin:
VSCode: View -> Extensions -> Search and install.
PyCharm: File -> Settings -> Plugins -> Marketplace -> Search and install.

Command Line Tools for Python

  • Using pip for Python Package Management:
    • pip is Python’s package installer and is invaluable for managing libraries and dependencies.

Uninstalling a package:

pip uninstall numpy

Listing installed packages:

pip list

Installing a package:

pip install numpy

Using Virtual Environments

  • Creating Isolated Python Environments with venv:
    • Virtual environments are crucial for managing project-specific dependencies without affecting the global Python installation.
    • Activating the virtual environment:

Deactivating the virtual environment:


On macOS and Linux:

source my_project_env/bin/activate

On Windows:


Creating a virtual environment:

python -m venv my_project_env

Efficient Debugging Tools

  • Debugging with PyCharm and VSCode:
    • Both PyCharm and VSCode provide powerful debugging tools that allow you to step through code, examine variables, and evaluate expressions on the fly.

Setting breakpoints and watching variables can drastically reduce the time it takes to diagnose issues with your code.

To set a breakpoint, simply click next to the line number in your code editor where you want execution to pause.

Unit Testing Frameworks

  • Using unittest and pytest:
    • Python’s unittest framework is built into the standard library and provides a way to create and run tests.

pytest is a third-party framework that offers more features and a simpler syntax for writing tests.

# Example of a simple test with unittest
import unittest

class TestSum(unittest.TestCase):
    def test_sum(self):
        self.assertEqual(sum([1, 2, 3]), 6, "Should be 6")

if __name__ == '__main__':

Final Thoughts on Python Tools

The choice of tools can significantly influence your workflow and productivity. Each tool and extension offers unique features, so it's beneficial to explore a range of tools to find what best suits your project needs and personal preferences. Utilizing these tools effectively can help you maintain a high level of code quality and efficiency, ultimately leading to successful project outcomes.