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Chapter 1: Getting started with Python Language

📦Section 1.10: Creating and Importing Modules

A Python module is simply a Python file containing definitions and statements. Creating your own module can help in organizing code, reusing functionality across multiple scripts, and maintaining a clean codebase.

How to Write Your Own Python Module

A Python module is simply a Python file containing definitions and statements. Creating your own module can help in organizing code, reusing functionality across multiple scripts, and maintaining a clean codebase.

Step 1: Writing a Module
To write a Python module, you just need to create a .py file and define functions, variables, or classes within it.

Example: Creating a simple module named


def greet(name):
    """Greet someone by their name."""
    return f"Hello, {name}!"

def add_numbers(x, y):
    """Add two numbers."""
    return x + y
  • def greet(name): Defines a function that takes a name as input and returns a greeting string.
  • def add_numbers(x, y): Defines a function to add two numbers and return the result.

Step 2: Documenting the Module
It is a good practice to include documentation strings (docstrings) for each function to describe what it does.

Importing and Using Modules

Once you have created a module, you can use it in other Python scripts by importing it. This can be done with the import statement.

Example: Using the in another script

# Import the entire module
import mymodule

# Using functions from mymodule
result = mymodule.add_numbers(5, 7)
print(result)  # Outputs: 12

greeting = mymodule.greet("Alice")
print(greeting)  # Outputs: Hello, Alice!
  • import mymodule: This line imports the module you created. Python looks for the file in the same directory or in one of the directories listed in sys.path.
  • mymodule.add_numbers(5, 7): Calls the add_numbers function from the imported module.
  • mymodule.greet("Alice"): Calls the greet function from the imported module.

Example: Importing specific functions from a module

# Import specific functions
from mymodule import greet, add_numbers

# Directly use imported functions
print(greet("Bob"))  # Outputs: Hello, Bob!
print(add_numbers(10, 15))  # Outputs: 25
  • from mymodule import greet, add_numbers: This line imports specific functions from mymodule directly. This allows you to use these functions without prefixing them with the module name.

Example: Importing with Aliases

# Importing module with an alias
import mymodule as mm

# Using the alias to call functions
print(mm.greet("Carol"))  # Outputs: Hello, Carol!
  • import mymodule as mm: Imports mymodule with an alias mm. This can be useful for shortening module names or avoiding naming conflicts.

Best Practices and Tips

  1. Keep Your Modules Focused: Each module should provide a well-defined and cohesive set of functionalities. Avoid putting too many unrelated functions or classes in the same module.
  2. Use Meaningful Names: The name of the module should clearly indicate what it contains. This improves readability and maintainability.
  3. Document Your Modules: Always document what each function or class does. This can be done through docstrings and comments.


Modules in Python provide a simple yet powerful way of organizing and reusing code. By creating your own modules and importing them into your projects, you can keep your codebase clean, manageable, and scalable.