Conference Publications

  1. M. Ahammad et al., "A Proficient Approach to Detect Osteosarcoma Through Deep Learning," 2022 10th International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Technology - Signal and Information Processing (ICETET-SIP-22), Nagpur, India, 2022, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/ICETET-SIP-2254415.2022.9791502.
    Keywords: Deep learning; Legged locomotion; Neural networks; Organizations; Information processing; Bones; Market research; Osteosarcoma; Segmentation; Annotation; fastai; Augmentation; Convolutional neural network; Grad-CAM.
  2. K. Ahammed, R. U. Azad, M. Al Jaber, M. A. Tareq Rony, and M. Ahammad, "A Comparative Study of RFM-Based Clustering Methods in Customer Segmentation," 2023 26th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (ICCIT), Cox's Bazar, Bangladesh, 2023, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/ICCIT60459.2023.10441081.
    Keywords: Clustering methods; Clustering algorithms; Companies; Behavioral sciences; History; Data mining; Information technology; Customer Segmentation; RFM; K-means; Fuzzy C-means; Graph.
  3. Springer M. S. Islam, M. A. T. Rony, M. Ahammad, S. M. N. Alam, M. S. Rahman, and A. Nag, “Hatebnlsbert: Innovative transformer model approach and novel datasets for safeguarding religious sensitivities,” in Springer, Springer, 2023, pp. 1–15.
  4. M. S. Islam, M. A. T. Rony, P. Saha, M. Ahammad, S. M. Nazmul Alam, and M. Saifur Rahman, "Beyond Words: Unraveling Text Complexity with Novel Dataset and A Classifier Application," 2023 26th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (ICCIT), Cox's Bazar, Bangladesh, 2023, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/ICCIT60459.2023.10441159.
    Keywords: Semantics; Text categorization; Static VAr compensators; Writing; Natural language processing; Vectors; Complexity theory; Sentence; NLP; Classifier; Performance; Web app.
  5. Springer M. A. T. Rony, M. S. Islam, P. Saha, M. Ahammad, “Deciphering diabetes: Illuminating prognostic insights with an interpretable machine learning framework,” Springer, 2023, pp. 1–10.
  6. Elsevier M. A. Siddiki, M. A. T. Rony, M. N. Hossain, M. Ahammad, “Deep learning precision farming: Identification of bangladeshi-grown fruits using transfer learning-based detection,” 2023, pp. 1–15.
  7. Elsevier M. S. Islam, M. A. T. Rony, P. Saha, M. Ahammad, “The multi-class paradigm: How transformers are reshaping language analysis in nlp,” 2023, pp. 1–15.
  8. Springer M. Ahammad, Ashraful, & Bhatnagar, V. (2024). Classification of Rice Leaf Diseases Using Deep Residual Graph Neural Networks. In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Innovations in Computational Intelligence and Computer Vision (ICICV2024). Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
  9. Elsevier M. Ahammad, Md Abdus Salam, Md. Ashraful Babu | PhraseNet : AI Driven Semantic Analysis for Keyphrase Generation on News Documents” , 3rd International Conference on Computing Advancements - ICCA 2024 | Status: Accepted
  10. IEEE M. Ahammad, Md. Ashraful Babu, Md. Mortuza Ahmmed, M. Mostafizur Rahman and Mufti Mahmud | Social Media as a Market Prophecy: Leveraging ML Algorithms for Predicting Market Trends and Demand | The 2024 SMILE Conference | Status: Accepted
  11. Springer M. Ahammad, Md. Ashraful Babu, Md. Mortuza Ahmmed, M. Mostafizur Rahman and Mufti Mahmud | LungCANet: A Novel Deep Co-Attention Convolutional Neural Network Architecture for High-Precision Lung Cancer Morphological Analysis and Classification | 31st International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP) | Status: Accepted
  12. Springer M. Ahammad, Md Hanif Sikder, Akm Kawser Rabbi, Nazmun Nahar Khanom, Md Nazmul Alam, Mst. Fatema Khatun | ST-Net: Spatio-Temporal Network for Predicting Crop Yields with Unprecedented Precision | 2nd International Conference on Machine Intelligence and Emerging Technologies (MIET 2024) | Status: Accepted